Lithgow Rural Clinical School

Associate Professor Dr John Dearin, Head of the University of Notre Dame Lithgow Rural Clinical School, describes Lithgow as a “Learning City”. Since the opening of the Rural Clinical School in 2007, a new medical school building in 2013 and the University of Western Sydney’s University College in 2014, Lithgow’s reputation as a centre for […]

Dr John Dearin, University of Notre Dame

“Rural practice is always very interesting, never boring and professionally very satisfying. And it is local people who make it the great pleasure it is to work there.” Associate Professor Dr John Dearin, Head of the University of Notre Dame Lithgow Rural Clinical School, describes Lithgow as a “Learning City”. Since the opening of the […]

Westfund – from adversity to strength

“Our mutual community support remains our strength and provides the opportunity to fill gaps in health services through the communities we serve.” Grahame Danaher, CEO Westfund Health Lithgow is the proud home of Australia’s largest regional private health fund. Established in 1929 to co-ordinate fundamental health services for the region’s miners, Westfund is the embodiment […]

Zelda Doyle, Rural Epidemiologist

“Good relevant research does not have to be done at ivory towered sandstone universities. Things that will make a difference to communities should come from the communities. Grass roots stuff.” Zelda Doyle loves her work. From her office at the University of Notre Dame Rural Clinical School in Lithgow, she is involved in a number […]

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